โ How to add/remove liquidity
Liquidity Providers (LPs) can earn a share of the fees from swaps. During our incentivized period this is the full 0.25% - a figure which is substantially higher than other major DEXs.
Step 1
Navigate to DeSwap via despace.app.
Step 2
Connect your wallet by clicking โConnect Walletโ.
Step 3
Select the tokens you would like to add liquidity to. You can add tokens manually, just remember to double-check the contract of the token if youโre entering it in manually!
Step 4
Add the token you would like to contribute to the liquidity pool. You need to add tokens in a 1:1 ratio. Click โAdd Liquidityโ.
Step 5
Approve and confirm the transaction in your wallet. Youโll receive LP tokens that will allow you to withdraw your contributed amount when you choose and will entitle you to a proportional share of the fees received from swaps in that pool.
Step 6
To remove liquidity, click on the โRemove Liquidityโ tab.
Step 7
Add LP tokens equivalent to the amount of liquidity youโd like to remove. Click โRemoveโ.
Step 8
Approve and confirm the transaction in your wallet.
Liquidity provision exposes LPs to impermanent loss. Make sure youโre aware of what impermanent loss is and adjust your strategy accordingly. Check this resource for more information.
Last updated